Very well structured. Beth was very knowledgeable, professional and attentive to our different needs and orientations
Counsellor in training, Integrative Relational Counselling
I appreciated Beth’s extensive experience and knowledge in this field. I have felt inspired by Nature’s contribution and role as co-therapist in the therapeutic encounter and would certainly recommend this course to anyone with an interest in this field
Psychotherapist, Psychodynamic
Affirmed my own practice, fulfilled my need to have time to reflect on my own relationship with nature and why I work outdoors. Such a containing, safe space – excellent facilitator
Play Therapist, Humanistic/Person Centred
Excellent. Thought provoking concepts raised; nature meeting human needs as part of healing process. Enjoyed practice time and space to acknowledge own anxieties.
Counselling Psychologist, Schema focused CBT
Just what I was looking for. Good balance of practical, theoretical, experiential. Lovely blend of input and invitation. Beth’s inclusivity and adaptivity, underpinned by bushcraft skills are key.
Person Centred Psychotherapist
Delivered in a way which made me feel more confident taking my work outside. I really like Beth’s calm energy and comprehensive knowledge of working in nature.
Counsellor and Supervisor
Beautiful space, space to reflect and self discovery was excellent. The theory of nature allied psychotherapy was excellent and made sense. This has encouraged my interest more.
Integrative/Arts Psychotherapist
Being in nature brought an expansiveness that’s different to other training sessions. I liked the fact there were practitioners from the BAME community, it doesn’t happen often in training settings.
Gestalt Psychotherapist
I like the ease with which Beth weaves her clinical work into the learning points.
Very affirming, supportive and surprisingly energising. Covered a lot in 3 days with plenty of opportunities for personal reflection. Good balance of theory and practicals. (Beth) has such a lot of knowledge and experience, but also wisdom about nature and working in nature. Very containing.
Play Therapist
Excellently thought provoking concepts raised.
Felt quite spent by end of the day, which was interesting because it did not feel demanding. Setting is absolutely magical and beautiful. Such a different space from any past training I have ever done!